Tips to Keep Your Carpets Looking Fresh
There are a multitude of reasons to keep your carpets looking clean and fresh. Clean carpets can create a welcoming atmosphere in your space and make a positive impression on any guests. Carpets tend to accumulate dust, dirt, allergens and bacteria very easily over time. Making sure you are properly cleaning your carpet also promotes a healthy living environment and resistance to any respiratory issues. Ultimately, making sure your carpets are properly cleaned ensures the beauty and longevity of your carpet and living space. These are seven tips to properly maintain the freshness of your carpets.
1. It is very easy to track dirt from outside when entering your home. To help resolve this issue when entering your home, it is essential to leave doormats in all the doorways. This is a place where you or any guests can wipe their feet or place their shoes when entering the home. Any dirt or grime that is tracked in by your guests gets caught up in your carpet, making it harder to clean over time.
2. Messes or spills are inevitable in your home. If you do spill in your home and it does happen on your carpet, it is crucial to clean it up immediately, rather than later. Majority of stains can be removed with some basic tap water. To remove a stain, press a clean damp cloth over the stain and blot until the stain is gone, do not rub it in. If the stain does not go away from just the water and cloth, you can use vinegar or club soda before trying stronger commercial products as an end result.
3. Vacuuming spaces in your home consistently is also very important to maintaining a clean rug. This means it is crucial to purchase a strong vacuum that is suitable for the height and material of the rug in your home. If your vacuum is set too low to your carpet it can cause damage to both the rug and the vacuum roller. If the vacuum is set too high, it may not be cleaning anything from your rug, leaving that dirt behind in the carpet fibers. Choosing the perfect vacuum for your carpet flooring may be costly, but in the long run when your carpet stays clean and lasts longer, you will be thankful.
4. Carpets are bound to snag eventually—especially if you have kids or pets. One rule to follow is to never pull a snag in your carpet. This will inevitably make the problem worse, as it's likely that you'll tear the carpet away from the backing. Instead of pulling the snag, grab a pair of scissors and trim the snag at the base to prevent further damage.
5. Just like getting your annual physical is important in keeping you healthy, the same thing goes for getting your carpets professionally cleaned. Once a year it is important to hire a professional or rent a carpet cleaning machine to deep clean your carpet. Hiring a professional can be expensive, so if that is not within your budget learning how to use a machine yourself can be a more budget friendly DIY option.
6. It is also important to avoid carpet powders, which are often sold to eliminate unwanted scents in your carpet. Even though your pets or children may leave behind an unwanted smell, these powders leave residue in the carpet which can damage it over time. Stick to cleaning your carpet with some basic baking soda if you want to remove an unwanted smell.
7. If you aren’t a fan of keeping up with the maintenance of your carpets or have a busy schedule, a robot vacuum cleaner may be a great option for you. While you are away from your home a robot vacuum cleaner can be set on a schedule or timer to clean your space. While you are gone your robot vacuum will be at work cleaning all of the space around your home and you are able to enjoy a nice, vacuumed carpet without ever lifting a finger when you get home.
If you follow these seven key tips and tricks you will be protecting your investment and keeping your carpets looking fresh for many years to come, your feet will thank you!
For more information on this topic, please call Pridgen Floors, in Geneva, AL at 334-684-3442.
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